
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Almost ready!

I am so lucky being one of the visiting fellows of the PAIMAN team to India.
The preparation for this trip is underway, hopefully it will be completed soon.
The days in Khairpur district are very hot, so that the dates are ready to be harvested. The sweet mangoes are sold everywhere and half ripen dates are now in bazaar for sale.
On this blog I will document the visit to India, and perhaps also other events in the future. I hope you will enjoy reading about it!

All the best,


1 comment:

  1. Nice to know that you are going to India. You have wonderful opportunity to visit southern to northern part of India. Visiting places through train will be amazing. You will see cities like Amritsar, Jhalinder, Ambala and others. It will take good 6-8 hours from Lahore to reach Delhi.

    Do update your observations/ photoes during train journey. I believe there will be cloudy and rainy climate.

    Have a safe journey!


