
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Inaugural session at Rai Foundation Corporate office at New Dehli India

It is good to have an opening and inauguration day of the training program at NIILM Centre for Management of studies (NIILM-CMS) Rai Foundation Dehli India.
The overall objective of this programme is to develop, deliver, and disseminate a training package for the small business entrepreneurs commonly known as micro-enterprises, especially women, in the developing world what are, to help them adapt to the complexity, inevitable modernization, and rapid changes in the global business environment. The programme also focuses on imparting functional skill in the area of product development, working capital management, marketing, customer relationship and civil society management.

Mr. Amod Kanth, Founder Secretary, PRAYS inaugurated the session, Mr. Satyamurthi CEO, AIAMED aired his views about the new paradigm shift in Micro finance enterprises that are pertinent to a women of India. Mr. Satyamurthi said that now Govt. of India is going to institutionalize this sector being one the priorities to empowering women.
In India almost 391 million people are below the poverty line and are in 20% of the whole population.
Most poor people manage to mobilize resources to develop their enterprises and their dwellings slowly over time. Financial services could enable the poor to leverage their initiative, accelerating the process of building incomes, assets and economic security. However, conventional finance institutions seldom lend down-market to serve the needs of low-income families and women-headed households. They are very often denied access to credit for any purpose, making the discussion of the level of interest rate and other terms of finance irrelevant. Therefore the fundamental problem is not so much of unaffordable terms of loan as the lack of access to credit itself.

Mr. Amod K. Kanth Chairperson of Delhi Commission for protection of child rights, Govt. of NCT of Dehli introduced the DCPCR and PRAYAS Social Welfare Society (PRAYAS SWS) in a very précised manner, the PRAYAS Social Welfare Society (PRAYAS SWS) is purely a Non Govt. Social Service Regd. Organization (NGO) having a non political, non religious and non commercial character and is mainly engaged in imparting completely free education to the children from the families belonging to Economically Weaker Section and backward class of the society. Parents of these children are mostly labourers who live in slums, Jhuggis (mud or polythene hutments) and are not able to get their children admitted in public schools or even in Govt. run schools due to poverty and illiteracy. Illiteracy is a curse and the PRAYAS SWS is poised to eliminate it to the best of its capacity and ability.

He said that there are 227 centers are running for deprived and destitute children across the various location of India, out of these centers more than 25000 children are being educated and out of these children there are 7000 are associated with skills enhancement program across the 04 states of India.

Mr.Satyavir Chakrapni, CEO, Shikhar Foundation given the presentation and covered the following details.
He said that Shikhar, the upcoming not for profit Microfinance Institution envisages to leverage the benefits of micro-lending to the marginalized rural and urban communities through sequential lending providing both savings and loan facilities at various levels. Shikhar aims to provide income generating solutions and investment opportunities to the grassroots for their overall social and economic development.
First Milestone
Shikhar initiated its operations through its first disbursement to two women groups on 1 December 2007. The two groups comprising of five women each would be using this amount of Rs. 7000/- each for income generating activities like Extension of existing enterprises like grocery store, vegetable/ fruit vending, snack and beverage vending etc.
Shikhar recognises the efforts of its team who enthusiastically work towards achieving the mission of the organisation and overall development. This time this foundation is believing on this quotation that, the best clue to a nation’s growth and development positional is the status and role of women. (Prof. D.S Landes).
Later these sessions, a walk through program was facilitated by Prayas sws at the down stairs, where the holistic journey towards juvenile justice towards juvenile justice was elaborated:
• 1993-1996 – Holistic care established– Responding to the growing Needs & the basic Rights of Children's Protection, Survival, Development & Participation in terms of United Nations Convention of United Nations Convention of
Rights of Child -1989 & the crystallizing juvenile justice philosophy of Prayas.
• Prays, covers from 500 to 5000 neglected children - Increasing number of Non Increasing number of Non -formal Education formal Education (NFE) & Vocational Training Centers (NFE) & Vocational Training Centers
• Programs for child protection, care & maintenance, development care & maintenance, development, restoration & rehabilitation– Expanding coverage through centers.
• Provision of clothing & shoes, mid provision of clothing & shoes, basic nutrition, mid-day meals & health care, counselling & day meals & health care, counselling & recreation – Each activity being a pre requisites for the fulfilment of the rights of children in terms of their basic needs.
• Issues like child labour, delinquency, traffic issues like child labour, juvenile neglect & delinquency, trafficking, abuse & exploitation of children.

So by that way the session came to an end with next day briefing on other training modalities.

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